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44 Chairs

系统:安卓  类型:休闲

1.7    更新时间:2021-02-08

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44 Chairs,一般又称无敌的椅子。Tap screen to sit on the chair when the light bulb turns on.

Sounds simple, but be warned... tap too early, or too late and your soul will be crushed into of pain and
damnation for ever and ever, or until you try again.

Single-player mode: Play against characters like "The Priest", "The Rockstar", "Guy with a Schoolbag" and many more.
They'll try and distract you, but don't let them.

Two-player mode: You can play face to face with a *friend* on one screen. When the light goes off, tap on your side
of the screen first to win a point. The first one to get to 5 points wins.

*May destroy friendships.
*Play dueling mode with whom you have crush on.

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