系统:安卓 类型:益智
21.1.0 更新时间:2023-11-15
智龙迷城wiki,一般又称智龙迷城手游,Puzzle and Dragons。
《Puzzle&Dragons》中文译名为《智龙迷城》或《火龙之怒》或《龙族拼图》是GungHo Online Entertainment开发的智能手机游戏。这是一个非常具有创意的新类型游戏,使用消除游戏的形式进行战斗的RPG养成游戏。游戏一经推出就广受好评,iOS版本在日本AppStore销售额排行榜上一直排在前三位。整体游戏来讲,它的创新是在消除类游戏的基础上,加入了口袋妖怪式的宠物收集、养成要素和社交元素。从消除内容上讲,这款游戏的消除方式不仅考验脑力,还非常考验手速操作。
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Ver. 19.1.0 Update Details*The in-app video loading wait time has been lengthened, and the ability to cancel video loading wait time has been added.With the previous loading wait time, video loading sometimes failed to complete. Now video playback has been improved.*The number of times remaining in-app videos may be watched for rewards is now displayed in the Shop menu.*Bugs have been fixed.* For details, from within the app see Others > Event/Update Info